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Railvolutionary webinars from SKF

Life of railway bearings - Why calculations matter

Webinar on-demand

Many load- and load-capacity-based methods for bearing life calculation have been in use for over 70 years and were originally developed by SKF. These methods have been widely adopted throughout the industry, and have served as a useful tool for selecting and sizing bearings for a wide range of applications – in rail and beyond.

But as someone involved in the industry, you will be more than aware the landscape is constantly shifting. And as demands on bearings have become more complex and diverse, it has become clear that these traditional methods have certain limitations. In particular, they do not take into account the actual stresses that occur in the bearing components due to real loads, and thus may not provide a realistic estimate of bearing lifetimes.

To address these limitations, new service life models have been developed in recent years, which evaluate the actual stresses occurring in the bearing components due to real loads. While these models are more complex, they are also much better at realistically estimating bearing lifetimes and optimizing product selection in terms of micro-design, choice of material and heat treatment, surface treatment, coating, etc. By leveraging these new models, equipment designers and maintenance professionals can ensure that they are making the most informed decisions regarding the selection, use, and maintenance of bearings, ultimately leading to better performance, reduced downtime, and increased productivity.



In our railvolutionary webinar “Life of railway bearings – Why calculations matter”, SKF’s Railway Engineering Manager, Jochen Baum details the evolution of bearing life theories, what those mean concerning railway bearing design and performance. Also, he provides insights about the impact of choosing particular calculation methods. 

Did you know that there is a number of on-demand railvolutionary webinars already available? 

Listen to Katarina Wising, SKF Railway Sustainability Manager, talk about how SKF is implementing sustainability best practices in customers' applications and in its own operations.

Safe, smart, sustainable - A rail-volution in decarbonized mobility

SKF Railway Head of Digital Solutions, Victor Martinez, is lifting the lid on SKF’s IoT solutions, on-board systems, and other digital services and tools designed specifically with the critical rail industry in mind.

Railway's digital future - Leveraging data for smarter and safer wheel-set operation

Listen to Railway Application Competence Center Manager at SKF and wheelset bearing expert, Jan Babka, and learn about the pros and cons of current wheelset bearing solutions. He is providing insight into new features and alternatives to guide you through the “jungle” of wheelset bearings.

Wheelset bearings - A choice or a given

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Supporting a full value chain 

Ensuring higher customer confidence

Ensuring high customer confidence

Raising rolling stock reliability

Raising rolling stock reliability

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