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Railvolutionary webinars from SKF

Product vs product life cycle: A simple procurement decision

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The railway industry is embracing a strategic shift from traditional ownership to performance-based partnerships. These long-term collaborations focus on continuous improvement and shared responsibilities, offering more reliable and mutually beneficial outcomes than standard transactions. This innovative approach underscores the value of sustained alliances in driving operational excellence.

These partnerships often include comprehensive support for the product throughout its entire lifecycle, including maintenance, monitoring, spare parts management, and technical support – delivering a number of operational benefits. 

This approach also offers many other benefits, creating a mutually beneficial relationship between suppliers and customers. The contract may also have an additional component linked to agreed targets related to relevant KPIs.

Speaker: Maurizio Giovannelli, SKF Director Global Railway

Interested in finding out more about how SKF is rolling out new business models and performance-based contracts in the railway industry? Our webinar “Product vs product life cycle: A simple procurement decision”  hosted by SKF’s Director Global Railway, Maurizio Giovannelli can give some insights.

Learn how to raise reliability with long-term O&M agreements! 

Ensuring high fleet availability

Ensuring high fleet availability

Boosting customer confidence

Boosting customer confidence

Benefit beyond product lifecycles

Benefit beyond product lifecycles

Read how a ten-year commercial agreement to advance condition-based maintenance contracts led to a multitude of benefits for one SKF customer. 

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